28 noiembrie 2011

Jocurile Foamei - Suzanne Collins

Editie noua in format hardcover
Editura: Nemira

Secretul nemuritorului Nicholas Flamel - Michael Scott

Vol I: Alchimistul
Când vrăjitorul John Dee fură Codexul, vechea carte a profetului Avraam, de la alchimistul Nicholas Flamel, doi fraţi gemeni se trezesc prinşi fără voia lor în această poveste. Sophie şi Josh Newman află că venirea lor pe lume a fost profetiţă în Codex şi că unul din ei are puterea de a distruge lumea, iar celălalt, de a o salva. Nimeni nu ştie însă cum sunt împărţite rolurile şi, cu atât mai puţin, care va fi deznodământul...
Vol II: Magicianul
În mâinile doctorului John Dee, Cartea Profetului Avraam poate reprezenta distrugerea lumii. Cea mai plină de putere carte a tuturor timpurilor, ea păstrează secretul vieţii eterne - aşadar, un secret mult mai periculos decât orice altceva. Iar Dee este la două pagini distanţă de informaţiile care i-ar aduce puterea absolută. Singurele obstacole din calea sa: Josh şi Sophie Newman - care se află la opt mii de mile distanţă...

Editura: Rao

Un basm modern - Holly Black

Vol I: Jertfa
Kaye,in varsta de saisprezece ani, traieste o viata de nomad modern. Apriga si independenta, ea calatoreste din oras in oras cu trupa de rock a mamei sale pana cand un atac neasteptat o forteaza sa se intoarca in orasul copilariei. Acolo, intr-un cartier muncitoresc din New Jersey, Kaye descopera ca este un pion fara voie intr-o lupta milenara pentru putere intre doua regate ale zanelor. O lupta care ar putea foarte bine sa o coste viata.

Vol II: Curajul
Cand tanara Valerie, de 17 ani, isi surprinde prietenul sarutandu-i mama, fuge de acasa si ajunge in New York. Acolo se imprieteneste cu un grup de tineri care locuieste in tunelurile metroului. Dar acestia nu sunt niste adolescenti obisnuiti, iar Valerie incepe sa constate lucruri ciudate cu privire la livrarile pe care le fac ei. Cand il intalneste pe Ravus, un trol, ea intelege ca pe langa lumea oamenilor, mai exista o alta, a zanelor.Valerie si prietenii ei incep sa fure din medicamentele pe care Ravus le livreaza, prin intermediul lor, zanelor,exilate in oras, insa o serie de crime printre zane ii face sa se intrebe daca Ravus nu este cumva un ucigas. Intre Valerie si Ravus se infiripa o suava poveste de dragoste,umbrita insa de intrigile zanelor.

Vol III: Tinutul fierului
în viaţă nu e niciodată uşor să-ţi găseşti locul, iar pentru Kaye este mult mai greu decât pentru alţii. Ea este un copil schimbat, locul ei nu ar trebui să fie printre oamenii muritori. Şi pe deasupra mai are şi alte probleme: prietenul ei tocmai a fost încoronat rege al Curţii Malefice, iar Kaye este prinsă la mijloc de intrigile celor două curţi de elfi, cea Benefică şi cea Malefică. împreună cu prieteni mai vechi, Corny, pe care îl veţi recunoaşte din Jertfa, şi Luis şi Dave din Curajul, Kaye va trebui să dea dovadă de bravură şi să-şi apere nu doar propria existenţă, ci şi pe cea a celor dragi.

Editura: Rao

27 noiembrie 2011

Cronicile Spiderwick - Holly Black

Simon, Jared si Mallory sunt trei copii obisnuiti, asa ca oricare dintre voi. Tatal i-a parasit si au fost nevoiti sa se mute intr-un loc uitat de dumnezeu, iar Jared nu scapa bine dintr-o belea, ca si intra in alta. S-ar parea ca lucrurile ar cam trebui sa se schimbe... Nici o grija, asa se va si intimpla! Habar n-au bietii de ei ce li se pregateste, caci cineva, nu se stie cine sau ce, incearca sa le schimbe viata. O poveste despre ce ti se poate intimpla daca vrei sa explorezi o casa veche si descoperi un pergament stravechi, caruia trebuie sa-i dai de capat...
Vol I: Cartea fantastica
Vol II: Ochiul magic
Vol III: In ghearele goblinilor
Vol IV: Copacul de fier
Vol V: Razbunarea lui Mulgarath

Editura: Rao

O serie de evenimente nefericite - Lemony Snicket

Draga cititorule,

Imi pare rau trebuie sa iti spun, dar cartea pe care o tii in mana contine intamplari extrem de triste. Iti relateaza o poveste nefericita despre 3 copii fara nici un pic de noroc in viata. Chiar daca sunt fermecatori si isteti, fratii Baudelaire duc o viata nefericita, plina de suferinte. Chiar din prima pagina a acestei carti, cand copii sunt la plaja si primesc acele vesti teribile, ca si pe parcursul intregii povesti, dezastrul ii pandeste la tot pasul. S-ar putea spune ca atrag nenorocirile ca un magnet. Si toate sunt provocate de maleficul conte Olaf.

Este de datoria mea sa astern pe hartie, desi foarte intristat, aceste povestiri neplacute, dar nu te opreste nimeni sa lasi imediat cartea din mana si sa citesti ceva vesel, daca preferi genul respectiv.

Cu respectul cuvenit,
Lemony Snicket
Editura: Egmont

17 noiembrie 2011

Harry Potter - J.K. Rowling


Romania, USA






Spania, Mexic



Cea mai utilizata coperta pe care o poti gasi in majoritatea tarilor unde au fost traduse cartile Harry Potter este cea pe care o avem si noi.

Dar care e preferata ta? Lasa un comentariu cu alegerea ta!

16 noiembrie 2011

Drift House - Dale Peck

Vol I: The First Voyage
After 9/11, Susan and her younger brothers, Charles and Murray, are sent to live with their uncle Farley in Canada. Uncle Farley’s house looks like a ship perched at the edge of the sea, but it’s not until a great flood comes that the house’s name—Drift House—starts to make sense. Floating aimlessly on the Sea of Time, the ship-like house begins to yield its many secrets—including a mural that seems to predict the future, a dumbwaiter that enables Murray to travel into the future and back again, and a parrot historian who’s also a gifted translator. But when a clan of diabolical mermaids trick the children and their uncle into helping them carry out a plan that will stop time forever, it will take all of Susan’s ingenuity—along with some help from a great whale, a band of pirates, and a magic carpet—to set things straight.

Vol II: The Lost Cities

Polly Horvath

My one hundred adventures:
Jane is twelve years old, and she is ready for them. She yearns to move beyond the world of her younger siblings and single mother and their cozy house by the sea, and to step into the "know-not-what"—the place where your heart buzzes with excitement and things happen.
And over the summer, whether she looks for them or not, adventures keep finding Jane. There's the thrilling solo ride in a hijacked hot-air balloon; the out-of-the-blue appearances of a slew of possible fathers; a weird new friendship with Nellie Phipps, preacher and wannabe psychic; the accidental crime Jane may have committed involving a Bible and a baby named Gourd; and, finally, her discovery of the truth that lies at the heart of all great adventures: that it's not what happens to you that matters, but what you learn about yourself.

                                           Northward to the moon:
Jane and her family have moved to Canada . . . but not for long.
When her stepfather, Ned, is fired from his job as a high school French teacher (seems he doesn’t speak French), the family packs up and Jane embarks on a series of new adventures.
At first, she imagines her family as a gang of outlaws, riding on horseback in masks, robbing trains, and traveling all the way to Mexico.
But the reality is different: Setting off by car, they visit the tribe of Native Americans with whom Ned once lived, head to Las Vegas in search of Ned’s magician brother, and wind up spending the summer with his eccentric mother on her ranch out west.
As Jane lives through it all—developing a crush on a ranch hand, reevaluating her relationship with Ned, watching her sister Maya’s painful growing up—she sees her world, which used to be so safe and secure, shift in strange and inconvenient ways.

The Sisters Grimm - Michael Buckley

Sabrina and Daphne Grimm go through a series of foster homes after their parents disappear. They become maids, servants, and other things that children shouldn't be, mostly because they have Ms. Smirt as their caseworker. After all of that trouble, they end up in the care of their long-lost grandmother. They soon find that they are living in a town of Everafters, live characters from fantasy and fairy tales. The family solves mysteries that might be connected to the disappearance of their parents but an evil group of Everafters, called The Scarlet Hand, are determined to find a way out of the barrier created by one of the Grimms' ancestors; a barrier that makes any Everafter in that town stuck there forever unless the Grimms abandon the town or all the descendent's of the past and future are dead.

Ultima carte din serie: The Council of Mirrors
Data de aparitie mai 2012

Dragon Rider - Cornelia Funke

Firedrake, a young dragon, receives a frightening warning one night: Humans are planning to destroy the valley in which he lives! All the dragons must flee. Their only refuge is a place above the clouds called the Rim of Heaven - which may not even exist. Firedrake boldly volunteers to go ahead first. As he embarks on his journey, he meets Ben, a runaway boy. Together, the boy and dragon make their way toward the Rim of Heaven, all the while running a step ahead of Nettlebrand, a monster who will stop at nothing to hunt down Firedrake. Their quest will truly become an adventure like no other.

The Thief Lord - Cornelia Funke

Running away seemed like a good idea at the time. Bo and Prosper's mother had told them all kinds of wonderful things about Venice, Italy. So when she dies, they think it's a pretty good idea to run away from Hamburg, Germany to Venice. After a difficult journey, they find a place with other homeless children who live in an abandoned theater. Their leader is the charming, slightly mysterious Scipio, known as the Thief Lord. Like Robin Hood, Scipio robs the rich to provide his poor friends with food and necessities. Scipio usually takes jewels, but he's hired to steal a most unusual item for a pawnbroker's wealthy client: a broken wooden wing. The wing is part of a magical carousel that has the power to change children into adults, and adults into children. During this adventure, secrets about the characters and their fantastic world are revealed.