Dorothy thinks she is lost forever when a terrifying tornado crashes through Kansas and whisks her and her dog, Toto, far away to the magical land of Oz. To get home Dorothy must follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City and find the wonderfully mysterious Wizard of Oz. Together with her companions the Tin Woodman, the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion whom she meets on the way, Dorothy embarks on a strange and enchanting adventure.
Editura: Puffin Classic
deabea ast cele doua filme ce vor aparea anu viitor cu si despre oz. si eu intru in concurs
RăspundețiȘtergeresi eu ast cu nerabdare filmele, vrajitorul din oz e una din povestile mele favorite....ever.
Ștergeresi eu am auzit de cele doua filme si le astept cu sufletul la gura, o poveste minunata. merita citita indiferent de varsta
Ștergerecartea mea preferata