Aici, in taramul dragonilor
- Ce-i asta? întreba John.
Omuletul clipi si apoi ridica din sprânceana.
- E întreaga lume, baiete, zise el, zugravita cu cerneala si sânge, pe pânza, pergament si piele. E lumea întreaga si e a voastra sa o salvati sau sa o pierdeti.
Omuletul clipi si apoi ridica din sprânceana.
- E întreaga lume, baiete, zise el, zugravita cu cerneala si sânge, pe pânza, pergament si piele. E lumea întreaga si e a voastra sa o salvati sau sa o pierdeti.
O crima neobisnuita aduce laolalta trei straini, John, Jack si Charles, într-o noapte londoneza ploioasa, în timpul Primului Razboi Mondial.
Un omulet excentric pe nume Bert le spune ca ei sunt acum pastratorii cartii Imaginarium Geographica — un atlas al tuturor tarâmurilor care au existat vreodata în mituri si legende, fabule si basme. Bert pretinde ca pot ajunge în aceste tinuturi calatorind cu nava sa, Dragonul Indigo, una dintre cele doar sapte corabii care pot traversa Frontiera dintre lumi, patrunzând în Arhipelagul Viselor.
Urmariti de creaturi ciudate si înspaimântatoare, cei trei tovarasi fug din Londra la bordul dragonavei.
Strabatând însusi tarâmul imaginatiei, trebuie sa învete sa-si învinga frica si sa aiba încredere unul în celalalt daca vor sa înfrânga fortele întunecate ce ameninta soarta ambelor lumi. si vor avea parte de o mare aventura plina cu indicii care îi vor conduce pe cititori la o dezvaluire surprinzatoare: acesti oameni vor deveni într-o buna zi povestitori legendari.
The Search for the Red Dragon
In this follow-up to "Here, There Be Dragons," John, Jack, and Charles are brought together again after the children of the Archipelago vanish, and the legendary Dragonships, which can cross between the known worlds and the lands in the "Imaginarium Geographica," have also gone missing. Illustrations.
The Indigo King
Hugo Dyson is abducted after Caretakers John and Jack discover a plea for help he has written on a medieval manuscript. Hugo has been taken into the past. As the Caretakers travel back to find Hugo, they finally learn the identity of the Cartographer, as the Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica continue.
The Shadow Dragons
The Caretakers and the legendary Don Quixote must save the Archipelago in thefourth book in Owen's Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica, in which thefate of both worlds is at stake. Illustrations.
The Dragon's Apprentice
Seven years after the events of The Shadow Dragons, John, Jack and Charles are finally able to return to their beloved Archipelago of Dreams. But even as their return is celebrated by old friends, new concerns shadow the reunion: the threat of Ecthroi, primordial Shadow. And perhaps even worse, the apparent splintering of Time itself.
Now, the Caretakers must fight against their most fearsome enemy ever and attempt to restore Time. They must journey through a forgotten Door from the destroyed Keep of Time in order to seek out the Dragon's Apprentice. If they fail, it will mean the end of both of the worlds. But success will carry its own price - a price that may be too high even for the Caretakers to bear.
Now, the Caretakers must fight against their most fearsome enemy ever and attempt to restore Time. They must journey through a forgotten Door from the destroyed Keep of Time in order to seek out the Dragon's Apprentice. If they fail, it will mean the end of both of the worlds. But success will carry its own price - a price that may be too high even for the Caretakers to bear.
The Dragons of Winter - 28 august 2012
The First Dragon - 2013
Later Dragon - 2014
Editura: Corint
Editura: Corint