20 februarie 2012

The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica - James A. Owen

Aici, in taramul dragonilor

- Ce-i asta? întreba John.
Omuletul clipi si apoi ridica din sprânceana.
- E întreaga lume, baiete, zise el, zugravita cu cerneala si sânge, pe pânza, pergament si piele. E lumea întreaga si e a voastra sa o salvati sau sa o pierdeti.

O crima neobisnuita aduce laolalta trei straini, John, Jack si Charles, într-o noapte londoneza ploioasa, în timpul Primului Razboi Mondial.
Un omulet excentric pe nume Bert le spune ca ei sunt acum pastratorii cartii Imaginarium Geographica — un atlas al tuturor tarâmurilor care au existat vreodata în mituri si legende, fabule si basme. Bert pretinde ca pot ajunge în aceste tinuturi calatorind cu nava sa, Dragonul Indigo, una dintre cele doar sapte corabii care pot traversa Frontiera dintre lumi, patrunzând în Arhipelagul Viselor.
Urmariti de creaturi ciudate si înspaimântatoare, cei trei tovarasi fug din Londra la bordul dragonavei.
Strabatând însusi tarâmul imaginatiei, trebuie sa învete sa-si învinga frica si sa aiba încredere unul în celalalt daca vor sa înfrânga fortele întunecate ce ameninta soarta ambelor lumi. si vor avea parte de o mare aventura plina cu indicii care îi vor conduce pe cititori la o dezvaluire surprinzatoare: acesti oameni vor deveni într-o buna zi povestitori legendari.

The Search for the Red Dragon

In this follow-up to "Here, There Be Dragons," John, Jack, and Charles are brought together again after the children of the Archipelago vanish, and the legendary Dragonships, which can cross between the known worlds and the lands in the "Imaginarium Geographica," have also gone missing. Illustrations.

The Indigo King

Hugo Dyson is abducted after Caretakers John and Jack discover a plea for help he has written on a medieval manuscript. Hugo has been taken into the past. As the Caretakers travel back to find Hugo, they finally learn the identity of the Cartographer, as the Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica continue.

The Shadow Dragons

The Caretakers and the legendary Don Quixote must save the Archipelago in thefourth book in Owen's Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica, in which thefate of both worlds is at stake. Illustrations.

The Dragon's Apprentice

Seven years after the events of The Shadow Dragons, John, Jack and Charles are finally able to return to their beloved Archipelago of Dreams. But even as their return is celebrated by old friends, new concerns shadow the reunion: the threat of Ecthroi, primordial Shadow. And perhaps even worse, the apparent splintering of Time itself.
Now, the Caretakers must fight against their most fearsome enemy ever and attempt to restore Time. They must journey through a forgotten Door from the destroyed Keep of Time in order to seek out the Dragon's Apprentice. If they fail, it will mean the end of both of the worlds. But success will carry its own price - a price that may be too high even for the Caretakers to bear.

The Dragons of Winter 28 august 2012 

The First Dragon 2013

Later Dragon - 2014

Editura: Corint

19 februarie 2012

My Blood Approves - Amanda Hocking

Vol I: My Blood Approves
Teenager Alice Bonham's life feels crazy after she meets Jack. With his fondness for pink Chuck Taylors and New Wave, he's unlike anyone she knows. Then she meets his brother, Peter. Even though he can't stand the sight of her, she's drawn to him. Falling for two guys isn't even the worst of her problems. Jack and Peter are vampires, and Alice finds herself caught between love and her own blood

Vol II: Fate
Alice Bonham thinks she's finally found a balance in her life between the supernatural and real life with her brother Milo. Jack - her sorta vampire boyfriend - keeps her at arm's length to keep her safe. As for his brother Peter... she's not sure where he's at, or what he wants with her. Worse still, she's not even sure what she wants with Peter. 
When tragedy happens, Alice finds herself struggling with a terrible choice. Her decision has consequences that reach farther than she'd ever imagined..

Vol III: Flutter
Being undead doesn't make life any easier for Alice Bonham. 
Her younger brother's love life is heating up, while hers is... more complicated. Mae is falling apart, her best friend Jane is addicted to vampire bites, and if Alice doesn't get her bloodlust under control, someone will end up dead. 
Alice volunteers for a rescue mission with Ezra. But going up against a pack of rabid vampires might be too much, even for him.

Vol IV: Wisdom
For her eighteenth birthday, Alice Bonham takes a vacation to Australia only to have her trip cut short by an unexpected murder. While Alice tries to understand what happened, she regrets some of the choices she's made, especially the more permanent ones.

Vol V: Swear

Letters to Elise: A Peter Townsend Novella

In My Blood Approves, Peter Townsend fell in love with Alice Bonham, but she wasn't his first love. In a new novella told through his letters, his history is revealed.

Witches of Honalee - Amanda Hocking

Vol I: Honalee

In the small midwestern town of Honalee, Hazel Panning and her best friend Molly Novak are determined to get through her sophomore year in one piece, despite the vicious cheerleaders and Hazel's ridiculous crush on Landon Hooper. 
Life gets more complicated when Hazel realizes that she has a penchant for sorcery, like her aunt. Her plans to stay under the radar take a detour when she and Molly stand up for themselves, and Hazel gets the courage to act on her feelings for Landon. 
Hazel discovers that the sleepy town of Honalee isn't so sleepy, and magic doesn't make high school easier. 

Carti Ecranizate - The Twilight Saga

18 februarie 2012

The Left Hand of Good Trilogy - Paul Hoffman

Vol I: The Left Hand of Good
 Listen. The Sanctuary of the Redeemers on Shotover Scarp is named after a damned lie, for there is no redemption that goes on there and less sanctuary…
In the Redeemer Sanctuary, the stronghold of a secretive sect of warrior monks, torture and death await the unsuccessful or disobedient. Raised by the Redeemers from early childhood like hundreds of other young captives, Thomas Cale has known only deprivation, punishment, and grueling training. He doesn’t know that another world exists outside the fortress walls or even that secrets he can’t imagine lurk behind the Sanctuary’s many forbidden doorways. He doesn’t know that his master Lord Bosco and the Sanctuary’s Redeemers have been preparing for a holy war for centuries—a holy war that is now imminent. And Cale doesn’t know that he’s been noticed and quietly cultivated.
Then, Cale decides to open a door.
It’s a door that leads to one of the Redeemers’ darkest secrets and a choice that is really no choice at all: certain death or daring escape. Adrift in the wider world for the first time in his young life, Cale soon finds himself in Memphis, the capitol of culture—and the den of Sin. It’s there that Cale discovers his prodigious gift: violence. And he discovers that after years of abuse at the hands of the Redeemers his embittered heart is still capable of loving—and breaking.
But the Redeemers won’t accept the defection of their special subject without a fight. As the clash of civilizations that has been looming for thousands of years draws near, a world where the faithful are as brutal as the sinful looks to young Cale to decide its fate.

Vol II: The Last Four Things
The epic story of Thomas Cale—introduced so memorably in The Left Hand of God—continues as the Redeemers use his prodigious gifts to further their sacred goal: the extinction of humankind and the end of the world.
To the warrior-monks known as the Redeemers, who rule over massive armies of child slaves, “the last four things” represent the culmination of a faithful life. Death. Judgment. Heaven. Hell. The last four things represent eternal bliss-or endless destruction, permanent chaos, and infinite pain.
Perhaps nowhere are the competing ideas of heaven and hell exhibited more clearly than in the dark and tormented soul of Thomas Cale. Betrayed by his beloved but still marked by a child’s innocence, possessed of a remarkable aptitude for violence but capable of extreme tenderness, Cale will lead the Redeemers into a battle for nothing less than the fate of the human race. And though his broken heart foretells the bloody trail he will leave in pursuit of a personal peace he can never achieve, a glimmer of hope remains. The question even Cale can’t answer: When it comes time to decide the fate of the world, to ensure the extermination of humankind or spare it, what will he choose? To express God’s will on the edge of his sword, or to forgive his fellow man-and himself?

Vol III: 2012

17 februarie 2012

Gazda - Stephenie Meyer

Melanie Stryder refuza sa se stinga. Lumea noastra a fost invadata de un dusman invizibil. Oamenii devin gazde pentru acesti invadatori, mintile le sunt luate, in timp ce corpurile lor raman intacte si isi continua vietile, aparent neschimbate. O mare parte din omenire a cedat. Cand Melanie, unul dintre putinii oameni salbatici in viata, este capturata, are convingerea ca i-a sosit sfarsitul.Wanderer, sufletul invadator care a intrat in corpul lui Melanie, a fost avertizata despre provocarile cauzate de trairea in corpul unui om: emotiile covarsitoare, multitudinea de simturi, memoriile prea clare. Dar mai era ceva dificil, ceva la care Wanderer nu se astepta: vechiul chirias al corpului refuza sa renunte la posesiunile mintii ei. Wanderer ii pune la incercare gandurile lui Melanie, sperand sa descopere locurile pe unde se ascund restul de oameni rezistenti. in schimb, Melanie ii umple mintea lui Wanderer cu viziuni despre barbatul pe care il iubeste Jared, un om care inca isi duce traiul in clandestinitate. Incapabila sa se desparta de dorintele corpului lui Melanie,Wanderer incepe sa tanjeasca dupa un om a carui demascare facea parte dintre insarcinarile ei. Cand fortele exterioare le transforma pe Wanderer si pe Melanie in aliate, ele se pregatesc sa plece in cautarea omului pe care ambele il iubesc, cautare ce se dovedeste a fi periculoasa si nesigura. 

16 februarie 2012

Mai las-o moale cu fantomele - Megan Crewe

Singurii prieteni ai lui Cass McKenna, o fată de şaisprezece ani, sunt cateva fantome: a surorii ei şi a catorva foşti colegi de şcoală. Fantomele nu sunt deloc complicate şi poţi avea incredere in ele. Mai mult decat atat, ele pot afla secretele compromiţătoare ale celor din jur... iar lui Cass ii place să ştie totul despre colegii ei ingamfaţi.              
Insă cand Tim, vicepreşedintele consiliu lui de elevi, descoperă secretul lui Cass – acela că poate să comunice cu fantomele –, situaţia tinde să se schimbe. El ii cere sprijinul ca să intre in legătură cu mama lui, moartă de curand, iar ea, după indelungi ezitări, sfarşeşte prin a fi de acord. Pe măsură ce-l cunoaşte mai bine pe Tim, Cass are surpriza să constate că acesta nu este un băiat atat de rău precum crezuse ea pană atunci şi că, intr-adevăr, avea mare nevoie de ajutorul ei. Să fie aceasta cea mai bună ocazie să se imprietenească din nou cu cei vii... ?

Editura: Leda

15 februarie 2012

Angelologia - Danielle Trussoni

„În vremea aceea s-au ivit pe pământ uriaşi, mai cu seamă de când fiii lui Dumnezeu începuseră a intra la fiicele oamenilor şi acestea începuseră a le naşte fii.”
(Geneza, 6, 4)

Evangeline era o copilă atunci când tatăl ei a încredinţat-o măicuţelor de la mănăstirea St Rose. La douăzeci şi trei de ani, descoperirea unei scrisori din 1943 îi revelează tinerei o istorie secretă de acum o mie de ani, un străvechi conflict între Societatea Angelologilor şi nephilimi, descendenţii rezultaţi din împreunarea îngerilor cu oamenii.
Generaţii întregi de angelologi şi-au pus viaţa în slujba anihilării nephilimilor, iar misiunea lor, căreia Evangeline i-a fost de mult menită, o poartă din bucolica ei mănăstire în centrul opulenţei newyorkeze.
Angelologia, un roman care musteşte de istorie şi de personaje captivante, împleteşte tradiţia biblică, mitul orfic şi viziunea miltoniană a paradisului pierdut într-o poveste fascinantă, despre oameni obişnuiţi prinşi într-o luptă care va decide soarta omenirii.

Editura: Litera

10 februarie 2012

Postare speciala

Multumesc tuturor! Din pacate nu m-am numarat printre castigatori concursului, dar cred ca am fost cea mai castigata. Nu ma asteptam ca atat de multi dintre voi sa ma sustina, nu numai pe timpul concursului dar si de cand am creat acest blog. Va multumesc din suflet si pe langa vechii prietenii, cei care s-au mutat de pe mess sa comenteze pe blog, am castigat noi prieteni cu care sper sa ma intalnesc cat mai des, aici.

7 februarie 2012

Infect Your Friends: The Way We Fall - Megan Crewe

Concurs incheiat! Acum astept cu nerabdare sa vad daca sunt printre castigatori
Ajutati-ma sa castig unul din cele 6 seturi puse la bataie de Megan Crewe. Pentru ca premiul se va adjudeca dupa cele mai multe comentarii primite legate de aceasta postare.....ati ghicit! Am nevoie de cat mai multe commenturi de la voi. Daca doriti sa participati si voi, mai multe detalii despre concurs gasiti aici. Va multumesc anticipat pentru comentari, si promit ca voi comenta si eu pe blogul vostru daca veti participa la concurs.

Megan Crewe autoarea carti Give Up the Ghost revine in atentia noastra cu The Way We Fall, o carte care dezbate un subiect foarte interesant legat de infectie si virusi, daca v-am starnit interesul va invit sa cititi o scurta prezentare a carti.
"It starts with an itch you just can't shake.  Then comes a fever and a tickle in your throat.  A few days later, you'll be blabbing your secrets and chatting with strangers like they’re old friends.  Three more, and the paranoid hallucinations kick in. 
And then you're dead."

When sixteen-year-old Kaelyn lets her best friend leave for school without saying goodbye, she never dreams that she might not see him again.  But then a strange virus begins to sweep through her small island community, infecting young and old alike.  As the dead pile up, the government quarantines the island: no one can leave, and no one can come back.
Those still healthy must fight for the island’s dwindling supplies, or lose all chance of survival. As everything familiar comes crashing down, Kaelyn joins forces with a former rival and discovers a new love in the midst of heartbreak. When the virus starts to rob her of friends and family, she clings to the belief that there must be a way to save the people she holds dearest.
Because how will she go on if there isn't?
Poignant and dizzying, The Way We Fall is the heart-wrenching story of one girl's bravery and unbeatable spirit as she challenges not just her fears, but her sense of what makes life worth living.

Book Trailer